Here is a smorgasbord of content I've deemed "not yet ready for the home page".


Aaron's got a subsite that will knock your socks off!

Frequent visitors determined not to miss any of the freshest content and riveting accounts of site de-bugging will want to head directly to the site log.

Fans of MST3K and the El Paso, TX, film community may find my "Ode to Torgo" site interesting.

My dad hasn't published the site of his oil paintings to the web yet. Given that we made it together in the summer of 2009, I think it's time to take action and add it.

Syllabi from my classes at Northeast Normal University (NENU) in Changchun, China, will be here for now, though the Academic landing page is its natural home eventually.

In the long term, I plan to write some rants, with charts and illustrations, on why corporations are evil, which evil companies own which apparently nice ones, and most importantly, why everyone should care. In the mean time, it sure would be nice if the web had anything at all to say about these things. Oh, if only someone would preach against evil on the internet!

Those in a terrible hurry can access the following deeply nested pages from here...

Alternative Chinese Music: Diaoyu-Senkaku Alternative Manifesto 1 Manifesto 2 Manifesto 3 Manifesto 4 CD Collection Mixes Favorites Quora Answers Links

Film, Music, Other Media: Film List, EFL Movie Guide, Music List, Record Labels, EFL Music Guide, Other List, Rating Music, All-time Favorites , Japanese & Korean & Mongolian music

UCI: Guide to Papers, Papers List